Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My Year in Movies 2009
Here is all the films I saw in 2009:
My Bloody Valentine (3-D)
Slumdog Millionaire
Gran Torino
Still Waiting
Friday the 13th
The International
Watchmen (IMAX)
I Love You Man
Sunshine Cleaning
Observe and Report
The Soloist
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Star Trek (IMAX)
Terminator Salvation
The Hangover
The Brothers Bloom
The Taking of Phelam 123
Public Enemies
Transfomers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
I Love You, Beth Cooper
(500) Days Of Summer
The Hurt Locker
Funny People
G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra
District 9
Inglourious Basterds
The Informant!
Couples Retreat
Where The Wild Things Are
A Christmas Carol (IMAX 3-D)
The Blind Side
Avatar (IMAX 3-D)
Sherlock Holmes
Up in the Air
When I see a movie sometimes I need to see it more than once to get the full effect. Here are some movies that did not make my list but I feel could if I was able to see them more than once. I will call them the very honorable mentions:
Where the Wild Things Are
I Love You Man
Up In the Air
Sherlock Holmes
My Top Ten Films seen in 2009:
10. Watchmen - Director Zack Snyder tried to take on the best graphic novel ever written in Alan Moore's masterpiece Watchmen. The end result is not a perfect film in the least, but the overall film is as close to copy of the graphic novel. I am almost putting this on the list for the scope of the overall production, trying to take on this material and make it into film is such a daunting task. I really think Jackie Earle Haley stole the show as Rorschach, a very anti hero. The movie was a great overall effort and I give everyone kudos for making a very enjoyable comic book movie which did not adhere to the typical superhero movies you see today.
9. Moon - Duncan Jones directed a great piece of science fiction and Sam Rockwell gives an amazing performance as a man who is very isolated working on the Moon. The movie really is more like the science fiction films of old, it is slowly paced but it works really well for the movie. Once Sam (Rockwell, a very unrrated actor) realizes that something is up the movie goes in a trippy and sometimes funny story. Overall the movie really gives you that feel of isolation and despair.
8. Funny People - Funny People is the least acclaimed Judd Apatow movie, and I can understand why. This is not a normal feel good movie that is all jokes. The movie is more grounded in how real people act towards one another. Adam Sandler stars as George Simmons, a man who is mega star comedian but has found out he has a type of cancer. He takes on a up and coming stand up comedian Ira (Seth Rogen) to help him write jokes and keep him company. I believe their relationship is the main story going on here. George also finds an old flame and tries to rekindle things with her. Overall I enjoyed the movie because I have some friends who do stand up and can relate easily to that world. I also think the way people act in this movie is realistic, this is somewhat how me and my friends act. We always make jokes and poke fun but like George and Ira, in the end we are just friends who enjoy one anothers company.
7. The Hangover - The Hangover is probably the best straight up comedy to come along in a few years. The cast was just perfect, and I could not stop laughing at the inventive ways this movie played out. It is all about a bachelor party that was so crazy no one remembers what happened. Slowly through the movie we get to see how the events of the previous night unfolded and involved Mike Tyson, a tiger, a naked Chinese man, and a pulled tooth. I am not saying this movie is deep, but my lists usually tend to go by how I was entertained and I was very entertained by The Hangover.
6. (500) Days Of Summer - Director Marc Webb creates the way all us guys feel when we are so in love and it goes so wrong. This movie really shows how a relationship can go right when you are so in love and how nothing else matters and yet it also shows the reality of when you get your heart broken into a million pieces, even though the writing was on the wall all along. Joesph Gordon Levitt (another underrated favorite of mine) is the main star and gives a great everyman performance as Tom, the man who's relationship was doomed from the star. Zooey Deschanel plays Summer with a laid back way, she tells Tom that she is not serious but she goes along with him and we still feel terrible when the end happens. The movie shows how love can be, great and yet at times heart breaking. Great film.
5. Star Trek - I was so entertained and taken in by J.J. Abrams new Star Trek that I am slowly warming up the Star Trek stuff after being a Star Wars fan for my whole life. This movie is just plain fun, nothing is held back. You get some great action, acting, and a movie that keeps you entertained the whole way! I think the cast was also handled nicely, they choose some good young actors who really make the film have that hip in the now feel, yet also these actors are good at what they do. To be able to remake a much love classic and make it appeal to the old fans and draw in new fans was a very daunting task, one that Abrams was able to do. I cannot wait to see the further adventures of this world that was created.
4. The Hurt Locker - This is a great movie, one that follows the life of a bomb squad solider in Iraq. Kathyrn Bigelow really creates a very tense movie, I felt as if that bomb could go off at any minute during many of these very tense scenes. You really get the feeling of how it would be to in these situations. The movie also shows the toll that being in a war takes on its soldiers, and how for our main character William, the war is all he knows how to do. When he goes back home he feels alienated, his life is to disable bombs and he actually likes it. This movie was very powerful because of the way anything can explode and kill off people in an instant. The performances are all outstanding, and no superstar is in the film. If you want to see a great war movie that speaks to what is happening today go and see The Hurt Locker.
3. Gran Torino- Released very long ago (January 9th) Gran Torino still sticks with me. Clint Eastwood stars and directs. Eastwood is Walt Kowalski a recent widower who lives in a very diverse community in Detroit. Eastwood as Walt is pure pleasure to watch, he really was one of the best performance's I saw in 2009 and was a shame he was not recognised more for it. Gran Torino was more of a movie for fans of movies, the movie did commercially well and is still sitting at #84 on imdb's top films EVER, wow. This movie was vastly underrated, I am thinking the release date may have had something to do with that. Anyway, the film is about Walt and he warms up to the world around him yet still maintains his rough exterior. Honestly, Walt in some way reminded me of people I really know and that is why he stuck such a cord with me. The ending of the movie is sad yet also shows how great a man and character Walt really is. This is also the last acting performance of Eastwood, who know is going to stay behind the lens as a director. Go see it to witness a great performance.
2. District 9 - District 9 is a great piece of film making and all on a small budget. Director Neil Blomkamp's story of an alien race who has crash landed and is now housed in slums. We follow a racist (towards the aliens) man Wikus Van De Merwe who also happens to be a great family man. When something happens to him and he becomes an outlaw he has to hide and become friends with the aliens, all the while trying to get his own life back. The first time actor Sharlto Copley gives an amazing performance as Wikus. The movie really sucked me into the world, if I ever thought aliens would be in our world District 9 represents the world that I think they would be in. The aliens are treated as second class citizens and not given much in life. The movie was shot on an extremely small budget yet makes the effects look amazing, like they spent 100 million not 30 making this movie. Like a great sci-fi movie, D-9 is a commentary on racism and how we view other people or cultures not like our own. This is a great piece of filmmaking filled with amazing acting, great effects, and is easily one of my favorites of 2009. It currently sits at #98 on imdb's best movies ever.
1. INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS - This was the BEST movie I saw in 2009, here is why: The movie just has amazing dialogue and has the BEST performance I saw all year by character actor (well, not anymore) Christoph Waltz, as Hans Landa. He gives you the chills and in the next second can have you laughing your ass off. I was just so taken in by his performance, I give mastermind Quentin Tarantino many props for finding real actors who can speak his witty and non-stop dialogue. The movie is about 3 main characters, one is the aforementioned Hans Landa, the other is leader of the basterds Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) who leads all Jewish Americans to revenge against the nazi's with the goal of collecting 100 Nazi scalps, and finally the beautiful yet vengeful Soshanna who's family was killed by Nazi's. I cannot say enough good things about this movie. It has many hilarious moments yet also is so suspenseful, the first scene alone kept me on the edge of my seat. The acting is top notch all around, Soshanna is played by Mélanie Laurent an actress who usually does only French films yet she was just amazing. I think it also helped that Tarantino let many of the actors speak their native language, not just English. You have some amazing scenes like the bar gun stand off and the finale of the film in the theatre. Enough already I could go on for a while as to why this is my #1 film.
Well that was my Top Ten films of 2009, hope 2010 is just as good!
Week 17 Power Rankings
1. Indianapolis Colts (14-1)
2. San Diego Chargers (12-3)
3. Philadelphia Eagles (11-4)
4. New Orleans Saints (13-2)
5. Minnesota Vikings (11-4)
6. New England Patriots (10-5)
7. Green Bay Packers (10-5)
8. Arizona Cardinals (10-5)
9. Cincinnati Bengals (10-5)
10. Dallas Cowboys (10-5)
11. Pittsburgh Steelers (8-7)
12. Baltimore Ravens (8-7)
13. New York Jets (8-7)
14. Denver Broncos (8-7)
15. Houston Texans (8-7)
16. Atlanta Falcons (8-7)
17. Tennessee Titans (7-8)
18. New York Giants (8-7)
19. Miami Dolphins (7-8)
20. Carolina Panthers (7-8)
21. San Francisco 49ers (7-8)
22. Jacksonville Jaguars (7-8)
23. Chicago Bears (6-9)
24. Cleveland Browns (4-11)
25. Buffalo Bills (5-10)
26. Oakland Raiders (5-10)
27. Seattle Seahawks (5-10)
28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (3-12)
29. Washington Redskins (4-11)
30.Kansas City Chiefs (3-12)
31. Detroit Lions (2-13)
32. St Louis Rams (1-14)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Power Rankings
1. Indianapolis Colts (14-0)
2. San Diego Chargers (11-3)
3. New Orleans Saints (13-1)
4. Minnesota Vikings (11-3)
5. Philadelphia Eagles (10-4)
6. New England Patriots (9-5)
7. Cincinnati Bengals (9-5)
8. Dallas Cowboys (9-5)
9. Green Bay Packers (9-5)
10. Arizona Cardinals (9-5)
11. Denver Broncos (8-6)
12. Tennessee Titans (7-7)
13. Miami Dolphins (7-7)
14. Baltimore Ravens (8-6)
15. New York Giants (8-6)
16.Pittsburgh Steelers (7-7)
17. Atlanta Falcons (7-7)
18. Jacksonville Jaguars (7-7)
19. New York Jets (7-7)
20. Houston Texans (7-7)
21. Carolina Panthers (6-8)
22. San Francisco 49ers (6-8)
23. Oakland Raiders (5-9)
24. Chicago Bears (5-9)
25. Buffalo Bills (5-9)
26. Washington Redskins (4-10)
27. Seattle Seahawks (5-9)
28. Cleveland Browns (3-11)
29. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2-12)
30.Kansas City Chiefs (3-11)
31. Detroit Lions (2-12)
32. St Louis Rams (1-13)





Tuesday, December 22, 2009




Monday, December 21, 2009




Sunday, December 20, 2009



I know it only came out last May but dammit this was one amazingly well done film. I was never a huge Star Trek fan before this movie but now I am exploring putting Trek before Wars. This movie needed to reach out to the old fans and also pull in new fans alike, and I think mastermind J.J. Abrams did just that. The characters we know and love are all here and this movie just kicks some major ass. The first scene alone has such scope and drama, the movie sucked me in from the start. Chris Pine as Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock were both great choices. Pine is charismatic, reckless, and headstrong as Kirk and Quinto's Spock is smart and conflicted. The supporting cast also is amazing and provides comic relief as well as adding a lot to the film. I am a huge fan of this movie and cannot wait to see the direction this series continue to go in.
Besides having a great named leading character Shaun of the Dead is a great homage to the Romero zombie movie of old yet also throws in a bunch of comedy to keep it fresh and original. For many of us in the U.S. it was the first time seeing the comic duo of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. The guys are a great comedy team who's relationship is hysterical and teeters on homophobia throughout the film. The director of Shaun is Edgar Wright who also went on to direct the comic duo again in Hot Fuzz, which I also highly recommend you watch. If you like zombie movies that do not take themselves seriously at all you cant beat this cult and fan favorite. I will admit it took me a few viewings to really warm up to the film. I enjoyed it but the repeat viewings have made it all the more reason it made my list. Also is #230 film all time on imdb (out of 250).
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Talk about a movie that took me by total surprise In Bruges is a hilarious movie about two hit men waiting around to get their next assignment. The movies two main characters Ray and Ken are played amazing by Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, who were just great together. The movie really knew how to play for those dark comedy laughs, Ralph Fiennes really steals the entire movie in his small yet memorable role as Harry, the man in charge of everything. If you like Quentin Tarantino/ Guy Ritchie type films, In Bruges is right up your alley. You will be laughing but also praising the amazing acting going on. I cannot wait to see what the writer/director Martin McDonagh will do next. Movie currently sits at #185 on imdb's top 250 movies ever.
Friday, December 18, 2009


Honorable Mentions
Without further wait, I present the movies which made an honorable mention but were not good enough for some reason to make my top 30 list:
Million Dollar Baby
Clerks II
The Departed
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Gran Torino
The Hangover
Finding Nemo
Best In Show
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
The Ring
High Fidelity
(500) Days Of Summer
The Hurt Locker
Iron Man
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Niners on Monday Night Football
Monday, December 14, 2009
Week 15 Rankings
1. -tie. New Orleans Saints (13-0) - Another close game for them and another win, they seems to keep on rolling and get those close wins. Dallas this week could be there last possible chance to lose an undefeated season.
3. San Diego Chargers (10-3) - They have now won 8 in a row and are on of those teams no one wants to play right now.
4. Minnesota Vikings (11-2) - Took on a good Bengals team at home and handled them well in a 20 point margain of victory.
5. Philadelphia Eagles (9-4) - Had to be one of the craziest games in a while, a 45-38 win over the Giants which gave them the sole lead in the NFC East. There offense seems to be clicking but I have some issues with the defense.
6. Cincinnati Bengals (9-4) - The usually reliable Benglas looked pretty bad losing 30-10 in Minnesota. Another elite match up this week @ San Diego.
7. New England Patriots (8-5) - Randy Moss may have given up by the rest of the team hasn't. I think they team mvp for them is Wes Welker, he catches everything!
8. Denver Broncos (8-5) - Congrats to Brandon Marshall for breaking the nfl single game record for recpetions in a game, bad news is that you lost to the Colts. More good news, you face the Raiders and Chiefs in the next 3 weeks.
9. Green Bay Packers (9-4) - This team is clicking of offense and defense, and has won five in row. They are playing on the road against Pittsburgh and Arizona in upcoming weeks, that should prove how far this team has come.
10. Arizona Cardinals (8-5) - They should buy stock in some new gloves. They turned the ball over a whoping 7 times on monday night football. Warner and company looked way off their game.
11. Miami Dolphins (7-6) - This team keeps rolling along even with all the injuries they have faced. They have been 7-2 over there last 9 games and doing so without Ronnie Brown or Chad Pennington. This team could surprise anyone.
12. Dallas Cowboys (8-5) - Tough home loss to the Chargers raises a lot of questions about the Cowboys, and losing DeMarcus Ware for any extended period of time ads injury to insult.
13. Baltimore Ravens (7-6) - Ah it sure feels good to play the Detroit Lions invisible defense. They combined for 548 total yards in a 48-3 killing of the Lions.
14. Tennessee Titans (6-7) - Another blowout game, Titans thrashed the Rams to the tune of 47-7. Did I mention yet that Chris Johnson is good?
15. New York Giants (7-6) - Lost in a heartbreaking high scoring loss to the Eagles at home, which now puts them in need of some help to make the playoffs. They might be a good team who doesnt make it this year.
16. Jacksonville Jaguars (7-6) - They are only averaging 12 points a game in their last 3 games. They seems to be stuggling running the ball, as I have noticed on my fantasy team.
17. New York Jets (7-6) - Just when you thought they were done, they suck you back in! Of course if they did not beat the Bucs it would look like something was seriously wrong. Thomas Jones is quietly having another good season (1167 yards and 11 td's)
18. Pittsburgh Steelers (6-7) - 5 losses in a row including your last two to the Raiders and Browns, something is very wrong in Pittsburgh. Oh next three games? Green Bay, Baltimore, and Miami.
19. Atlanta Falcons (6-7) - This team has been ravaged by injuries yet still held close to the Saints in a 26-23 loss. They also have a pretty easy remaning schedule. I would like to see what they could have done with Ryan and Turner for a whole year.
20. San Francisco 49ers (6-7) - So niners have to be the most inconsistent team this year. They are a few plays from having a winning record but something always happens. I was really hoping for a playoff run from my team but it could be too little to late, and they would need to win out which would be possible except that they have to play in Phildeplphia next week.
21. Houston Texans (6-7)- I got to say that Andre Johnson is the best WR in the league when healthy.
22. Carolina Panthers (5-8) - Hoping they keep losing since the 49ers hold the right to their first round draft pick.
23. Buffalo Bills (5-8) - Not sure why they were underdogs to the Chiefs? Looks like their defense has been doing ok lately and they have two good running backs in Lynch and Jackson, tough end to the year they finish by playing Pat, Falcons, and Colts.
24. Chicago Bears (5-8) - Ah Bears, such potential...
25. Washington Redskins (4-9)- There RB's get hurt every week now, it has gone from Portis to Betts to Cartwright to Gather. Yet still only the 4 wins.
26. Seattle Seahawks (5-8) - Only had one touchdown and were not impressive in last win over 49ers, more like lucky. I think signing Housh was not the answer. The answer would be, get a real running back.
27. Oakland Raiders (4-9) - I hate the Raiders and was actually rooting for Gradkowski. Now he is hurt.. "We had heard that Russell’s just had a tough time, and you could tell when he stepped on the field and the crowd started booing,” Washington defensive end Andre Carter said.
28. Kansas City Chiefs (3-10)- Good news is Jamaal Charles is coming around and you are playing the Browns next week. Bad news is you are the Chiefs.
29. Cleveland Browns (2-11)- I heard that Cleveland fans will forget this whole season since they beat the Steelers, um not sure about that.
30. Detroit Lions (2-11) - At one time this offense looked really good, last week they only scored 3 points. They still need a lot of work.
31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-12)- Last game they didn’t manage a first down until the middle of the third quarter, and that came on a penalty. Nuff said!
32. St Louis Rams (1-12)- Ah poor Rams, back again on the bottom of my list. Keith Null was St Louis' starting Qb, he completed 27 passes for 157 yards with 5 interceptions but alas...he had a touchdown!! Good job 6th round pick out of West Texas A&M. This is why Tim Tebow has a chance in the NFL, indeed.
Most Valuable Player

Monday, December 7, 2009
Week 14 Rankings
2. Indianapolis Colts (12-0)
3. San Diego Chargers (9-3)
4. Minnesota Vikings (10-2)
5. Cincinnati Bengals (9-3)
6. Arizona Cardinals (8-4)
7. Denver Broncos (8-4)
8. New England Patriots (7-5)
9. Philadelphia Eagles (8-4)
10. Dallas Cowboys (8-4)
11. Green Bay Packers (8-4)
12. New York Giants (7-5)
13. Miami Dolphins (6-6)
14. Pittsburgh Steelers (6-6)
15. Baltimore Ravens (6-6)
16.Tennessee Titans (5-7)
17. Jacksonville Jaguars (7-5)
18. Atlanta Falcons (6-6)
19. New York Jets (6-6)
20. Carolina Panthers (5-7)
21. Houston Texans (5-7)
22. San Francisco 49ers (5-7)
23. Seattle Seahawks (5-7)
24. Chicago Bears (5-7)
25. Oakland Raiders (4-8)
26. Washington Redskins (3-9)
27. Buffalo Bills (4-8)
28. Kansas City Chiefs (3-9)
29. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-11)
30. Detroit Lions (2-10)
31. St Louis Rams (1-11)
32. Cleveland Browns (1-11)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Week 13 Rankings
1. New Orleans Saints (11-0)
2. Indianapolis Colts (11-0)
3. Minnesota Vikings (10-1)
4. San Diego Chargers (8-3)
5. New England Patriots (7-4)
6. Cincinnati Bengals (8-3)
7. Dallas Cowboys (8-3)
8. Arizona Cardinals (7-4)
9. Philadelphia Eagles (7-4)
10. Pittsburgh Steelers (6-5)
11. Denver Broncos (7-4)
12. Baltimore Ravens (6-5)
13. New York Giants (6-5)
14. Green Bay Packers (7-4)
15. Tennessee Titans (5-6)
16. Atlanta Falcons (6-5)
17. Jacksonville Jaguars (6-5)
18. Miami Dolphins (5-6)
19. New York Jets (5-6)
20.San Francisco 49ers (5-6)
21. Houston Texans (5-6)
22. Carolina Panthers (4-7)
23. Washington Redskins (3-8)
24. Buffalo Bills (4-7)
25. Seattle Seahawks (4-7)
26. Kansas City Chiefs (3-8)
27. Chicago Bears (4-7)
28. Detroit Lions (2-9)
29. Oakland Raiders (3-8)
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-10)
31. St Louis Rams (1-10)
32. Cleveland Browns (1-10)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Week 12
2. New Orleans Saints (10-0) - Playing the Bucs will cure what ails ya! A 38-7 beatdown makes them feel happy, but next week they get a big challenge vs New England.
3. Minnesota Vikings (9-1) - I almost put them up over the Saints. I am a real believer of this team and I think they could be the best team from the NFC. They held the Seahawks to 4 rushing yards....4!!!!!!!!!
4. New England Patriots (7-3) - I think this team is still just waiting to show how good they are, and they will have a chance next Monday night vs the undefeated Saints.
5. San Diego Chargers (7-3) - They just creamed the once mighty Broncos on the road to the tune of 32-3, ,maybe Norv Turner is a good coach!
6. Cincinnati Bengals (7-3) - Um guys, playoff teams do not lose to the Raiders! How do you beat Pittsburgh then turn around and lose to the Raiders? You think it would because Benson was out but his replacement Bernard Scott had 119 yards.
7. Arizona Cardinals (7-3) - No Warner would change this team, I believe. They seem to just keep on rolling and are now running away with the NFC West.
8. Dallas Cowboys (7-3) - High scoring affair, 7-6 win over the Redskins. They have a small edge over the Giants and Eagles but I am not sure how much longer it will last.
9. Pittsburgh Steelers (6-4) - Can't beat those Chiefs! Tough loss in Kansas City, wait did I really just say that?
10. New York Giants (6-4) - Got back on track with an over time win over the Falcons. Remember when they needed a big time WR? Nicks, Manningham, and Smith have made that a thing of the past.
11. Philadelphia Eagles (6-4) - I really applaud Andy Reid, he just keeps getting wins. They draft really well on offense, McCoy had 99 yards rushing and Maclin has 6 catches for 64 yards. That DeSean Jackson guy is not too bad either.
12. Atlanta Falcons (5-5) - Lost a tough one to the Giants. New RB Jason Snelling filled in admirably for Turner but the defense was nowhere to be seen.
13. Baltimore Ravens (5-5) - Do they ever play an easy team? Oh wait that snooze fest last Monday night!
14. Denver Broncos (6-4) - Falling falling falling....Chris Sims was the starter for like 12 minutes.
15. Tennessee Titans (4-6) - Hottest team in the NFL! I think they can make a playoff push. Chris Johnson is annoyingly good.
16. Green Bay Packers (6-4) - Rodgers you win, you are better then Alex Smith. Wait, thats not saying much!
17. Jacksonville Jaguars (6-4) - This team keeps on rolling and has been on a bit of a tear. Mike Sims-Walker and Maurice Jones-Drew are some great three named stars on this team.
18. Miami Dolphins (5-5) - Maybe Tim Lincecum loaned Ricky Williams something special.
19. New York Jets (4-6) - Mark Sanchez play of late, has been dirty.
20. Houston Texans (5-5) - This team seems bound to be one of those maybe next year team. They have a load of offense talent! Maybe try getting someone who can make a field goal when needed?
21. Carolina Panthers (4-6) - They seem doomed with their uber tough schedule coming up, sorry least you can get Colt McCoy in the draft...maybe.
22. San Francisco 49ers (4-6) - They have an offense coordinator who wants to run, a qb who can only pass well in the shotgun, and a bad offensive line. ughhh..
23. Washington Redskins (3-7) - Looks like they have a good defense, now how about you score a few more points guys.
24. Chicago Bears (4-6) - Cutler tries but he has no one good to throw to and when he does he tries to hard.
25. Kansas City Chiefs (3-7) - Nice little upset win over the Steelers at home. Matt Cassell is coming around and maybe next year this team can contend.
26. Buffalo Bills (3-7) - Well, T.O. had a good game so he is probably happy...
27. Seattle Seahawks (3-7) - Did I mention they had only had 4 rushing yards last week? They only had 4 players make a reception last week too.
28. Detroit Lions (2-8) - There offense could be a force in the near future, that is if they still healthy enough to play a few games together. Staffords line: 422 yards and 5 td's. But him and Calvin Johnson got hurt on the game winning play...poor Lions.
29. Oakland Raiders (3-7) - They can only beat good teams and home, its the rules! I sense a Bruce Gradowski uprising.
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-9) - New jerseys, another loss. They just dont understand.
31. St Louis Rams (1-9) - Steven Jackson already has more than 1000 yards, thats all the positive I have.
32. Cleveland Browns (1-9) - Brady Quinn looked really good, I bet he wished he could play the Lions a lot more.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Week 11 Rankings
2. New Orleans Saints (9-0) - They are winning by less and less points, I would think they could have easily handled the Rams.
3. Minnesota Vikings (8-1) - Farve and Peterson just keep on rolling, they almost seem to have the division wrapped up already.
4. Cincinnati Bengals (7-2) - Beating the Steelers was a huge step up, who knew this team would be this good? I want my bribe money Ochocinco!
5. New England Patriots (6-3) - To me, it look like they got that first down from what I saw...I like the winners attitude but not that deep in Colts territory!!
6. Pittsburgh Steelers (6-3) - Seem to not be the same team as last year, but Mendenhall is turning into a good back.
7. San Diego Chargers (6-3) - Some nice wins have them now tied with the Broncos for first.
8. Arizona Cardinals (6-3) - Seem to be the class of the NFL West, which is not saying much this year.
9. Denver Broncos (6-3) - It seems to all be coming apart here..
10. Baltimore Ravens (5-4) - Beating Cleveland 16-0 on Monday Night is nothing special.
11. Dallas Cowboys (6-3) - Their offense disappeared in Green Bay
12. Atlanta Falcons (5-4) - I hear Matt Ryan is throwing more INT's yet Michael Turner is averaging 5 yards a carry, hint..give him the ball more!
13. Philadelphia Eagles (5-4) - Not having Westbrook hurts, but it seems like they should be prepared not have him around much longer.
14. New York Giants (5-4) - What happened to this team? I sense a comeback on the horizon.
15. Jacksonville Jaguars (5-4) - ESPN reports Jones-Drew kneel down at the 1 yards line cost 10,000 fantasy teams a win..good thing I have Peyton Manning!
16. Green Bay Packers (5-4) - Packers seem to be up and down, last week was up, this week they play the niners..i sense more up...
17. Houston Texans (5-4) - This team will have to prove they can make the playoffs by well, making the playoffs!
18. New York Jets (4-5) - Don't cry for me Argentina, cry for the downfall of your team Rex Ryan!
19. Miami Dolphins (4-5) - Just found out that Brown is out for the year, that will hurt this team dramatically...
20. Tennessee Titans (3-6) - This team has the biggest upside of almost any team in the league another win and they will be right back in this thing.
21. San Francisco 49ers (4-5) - Their offense has been stumbling, Qb change again?
22. Carolina Panthers (4-5) - They have a monster running game but have a hard schedule left (including the Pats, Saints, Vikes, and Giants)
23. Washington Redskins (3-6) - The should try that punter at QB for a whole game.
24. Chicago Bears (4-5) - Cutler threw 5 INT's, I suggest drafting a #1 WR next year guys.
25. Seattle Seahawks (3-6) - They are giving Cal alumni Justin Forsett the starting RB job!
26. Buffalo Bills (3-6) - Finally fired their head coach, they have now named Ryan Fitzpatrick as QB, and TO sort of went off, ah things are back to normal.
27. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-8)- Win wearing the best jerseys ever made, the week after go back to normal jerseys and lose. Get the picture? Bring back the orange jerseys!
28. Kansas City Chiefs (2-7)- They beat the Raiders at least!
29. Oakland Raiders (2-7) - They need to look at a new QB, Gradowski is not the answer.
30. St Louis Rams (1-8) - Give them credit for having the chance to beat the Saints with their last possession.
31. Detroit Lions (1-8) - They have a winnable game this week, and Calvin Johnson and Stafford are back.
32. Cleveland Browns (1-8) - Brady Quinn makes Alex Smith look like Drew Brees.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Not A Moral Victory Type Of Guy

So we started out 3-1 and have lost 3 straight, mostly against good teams. The Colts (7-0), Texans (5-3), and the Falcons (4-3). If they don't start turning it around soon I am not sure if this season will be saved. I really HOPE they do, but I am starting to really felt let down. This team can hang around with some of the good teams but they lack in some very important areas. I thought Singeltary would be the difference in turning them around.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Week 9 Power Rankings
2. Indianapolis Colts (7-0)
3. Minnesota Vikings (7-1)
4. New England Patriots (5-2)
5. Denver Broncos (6-1)
6. Pittsburgh Steelers (5-2)
7. Philadelphia Eagles (5-2)
8. Cincinnati Bengals (5-2)
9. Baltimore Ravens (4-3)
10. Dallas Cowboys (5-2)
11. New York Giants (5-3)
12. Atlanta Falcons (4-3)
13. Houston Texans (5-3)
14. New York Jets (4-4)
15. Arizona Cardinals (4-3)
16. San Diego Chargers (4-3)
17. Green Bay Packers (4-3)
18. Chicago Bears (4-3)
19. Miami Dolphins (3-4)
20. San Francisco 49ers (3-4)
21. Carolina Panthers (3-4)
22. Jacksonville Jaguars (3-4)
23. Buffalo Bills (3-5)
24. Tennessee Titans (1-6)
25. Washington Redskins (2-5)
26. Seattle Seahawks (2-5)
27. Oakland Raiders (2-6)
28. Kansas City Chiefs (1-6)
29. Cleveland Browns (1-7)
30. St Louis Rams (1-7)
31. Detroit Lions (1-6)
32. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-7)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Random Thoughts
I love this fake trailer, very well done.
Also, did anyone know that there was sequel to the holiday legend A Christmas Story? I was checking in dvds at the library and saw this very plain looking box, I turned it around and it said the sequel to Christmas Stroy!

It was called It Ruins in the Family (labeled My Summer Story in the United States. It was released eleven years after Christmas story and the only returning cast member is Ralphie's teacher Miss Shields. Jean Shepherd who narrated Christmas Story also returned to narrate and wrote the movie and the orginal director Bob Clark also directed this one. You think with those two back it couldn't be all that bad, as of now I havent seen it. It has a 5.5/10 rating on imdb. Not sure if I should even bother checking it out.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Bye Week Blues
1. New Orleans Saints (6-0) Had an amazing game in Miami coming back from being down 24-3 to win 46-34. The only suspect thing about the team is the Defense yet they make up for it with many turnovers for scores. Darren Sharper already has 6 interceptions at 3 touchdowns, this is through six games!
2. Pittsburgh Steelers (5-2) I had my doubts about this team, still have some yet they continue to win and this time they beat a good opponent. The D seems to be back, and they were the major catalyst for the 27-17 win over Minnesota, handing the Vikings their first loss of the season.
3. Denver Broncos (6-0) They had a bye week, and remain undefeated. Did anyone else notice that Kyle Orton has a career winning perfecantge of .667, better than Peyton Manning.
4. New Englad Patriots (5-2) Had a long flight to London to beat down on the poor Buccaneers. I am not sure wthy the Bucs thought playing the Patriots on netural turf was a good idea.
5. Indianapolis Colts (6-0) Had a bye week, oh wait they played the there a difference? Colts are loving playing the NFC West this year me thinks.
6. Minnesota Vikings (6-1) They are now in loss column, too many turnovers that lead to long Pittsburgh Td's, I know offense players cant tackle but they should work on it.
7. New York Giants (5-2) Two losses in a row have some people in NY wondering whats wrong? They were pretty competitive in this game but 3 picks by Manning and a late costly fumble proved too much to overcome.
8. Cincinati Bengals (5-2) I am not sure anyone could have seen this smack down coming. Well, possibly in Cedric Benson's dreams! The former disgruntled Bear is having a career year and his new team creamed the Bears 45-10.
9. Arizona Cardinals (5-2) They are back, the road win over the Giants was a surprise but they have all those weapons and new RB Beanie Wells is showing he could be something special. They are also now in sole possesion of first place in the West.
10. New York Jets (4-3) Played the Raiders and just dominated them 38-0, This team sure can run, they had 316 yards rushing! Glad Thomas Jones is on my fantasy team.
11. Dallas Cowboys (4-2) They handled a good Atlanta team at home and seemingly have found a new #1 WR in one Miles Austin.
12. Atlanta Falcons (4-2) Their defense came back to life and let the Cowboys pass all over it, they lost 37-21 to the Cowboys but they can make a statement in their next game vs. Saints.
13. Philadeplphia Eagles (4-2) Beat the futile Redskins without Brian Westbrook, DeSean Jackson lead the team with 67 yards rushing on one carry.
14. Green Bay Packers (4-2) I think they enjoyed playing the Lions and Browns for consecutive weeks, alas the next game will not be so easy. A certain someone is coming back to town...
15. Baltimore Ravens (3-3) They had a bye week to figure out why they can no longer stop the other team from scoring, lets hope that worked next game is vs. (undfeated) Denver.
16. San Diego Chargers (3-3) Chargers really enjoy playing most teams in the AFC West, sans the Broncos. They beat the Chiefs 37-7 and now get to play the Raiders next.
17. Houston Texans (4-3) Had a nice win to go over .500. They really dominated the 49ers in the first half of the game and scored just enough to prevent a come back by the 49ers.
18. San Francisco 49ers (3-3) Welcome back Alex Smith. Maybe all that time off will make you play like a new man? It couldn't hurt, Smith lead a passing barrage agaisnt the Texans after the half, leading the almost comeback victory (They fell short 24-21). He now has a new weapon in Michael Crabtree who was impressive in his first game since whatever bowl he played in with Texas Tech last year.
19. Chicago Bears (3-3) Laid an egg agaisnt the Bengals. The once dominant defense was nowhere to be seen.
20. Miami Dolphins (2-4) Had a meltdown game agaisnt the Saints, being up by three td's and could not hold the lead. Once again this team can score but they were a better defensive team last year. Ricky WIlliams did a good Cedric Benson impression by putting up good number against his old team, but it wasn't enough.
21. Jacksonville Jaguars (3-3) They were on a bye week and play @Tennessee next Sunday.
22. Buffalo Bills (3-4) Ryan Fitzpatrick lead Bills beat the Panthers 20-9, this game was on my local station and even I passed from watching it. But thats a couple wins in a row for the surging Bills.
23. Seattle Seahawks (2-4) Another team on a bye week, Matt Hasselbeck didnt get injuried this week at the least.
24. Washington Redskins (2-5) They just look like they don't have any real fight in them, their coach is staying but why?
25. Carolina Panthers (2-4) AJ Feeley is chomping at the bit to start soon and why the QB play is not the only problem Delhommme threw three more interceptions this week.
26. Detroit Lions (1-5) Had a bye week, they needed it with Satffor and Calvin Johnson nursing injuries.
27. Kansas City Chiefs (1-6) Not sure if anyone saw that play when Chargers QB Phillip Rivers had roughly 23 minutes to pass the ball, but it was a joke.
28. Tennesse Titans (0-6) They couldnt lose this week, it was a bye week.
29. Oakland Raiders (2-5) They finally benched the ineffective JaMarcus Russell but nothing really helped when you lose 38-0, at home.
30. Cleveland Browns (1-6) Scored only 3 points to the Green Bay defense and this team seems to have no idea what they really want to do with the ball.
31. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-6) Had a beat down, but at least none of their fans were they seeing as how the game was in London. I hear the rookie Josh Freeman may be starting from now on out, what else do they have to lose?
32. St Louis Rams (0-7) This weekend vs the Lions could be their last and best hope for win this year. WOW they had lost 17 games in a row dating back to least season....17!
Monday, October 19, 2009
NEW Power Rankings
1. New Orleans Saints (5-0) - What else can you say? They took out my #1 ranked team and prove that they could beat out good teams again and again. Drew Brees sure can pass that ball, early MVP much?
2. Minnesota Vikings (6-0) - Sure they have had some close heart attack games, I give Favre props for saying they shouldn't have beaten the 49ers! But seriously this team is stacked with talent and they beat a good Ravens team.
3. Indianapolis Colts (5-0) - They had a bye week, and with St Louis up next they are sure to be 6-0, cant wait for Mannings fantasy stats for my team.
4. Denver Broncos (6-0) - Officially consider me a true believer! Those awesome uniforms they wear seem to have done the trick! Actually I don't mind the circa 80's padres-ish unis, its more the socks that are just terrible. They beat the Chargers on the road, what cant this team do?
5. New York Giants (5-1) - They finally suffered a loss yet it was on the road against the Saints. They also did still score 27 points. I am wondering about the RB situation, is Bradshaw the starter now?
6. New England Patriots (4-2) - 59-0, Tom Brady throws 6 TD passes (5 in the second quarter alone) heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees baaaaaaaack! Love those red throwback unis!
7. Atlanta Falcons (4-1) - Nice win over the Bears puts the up and coming Falcons up a notch. Matt Ryan looks like the best early QB drafted in many years and the D has proven itself. When do they play the Saints? That will be a good game.
8. Pittsburgh Steelers (4-2) - I continue to not be impressed with this team. Wow you can handle the Browns at home 27-14, the Browns previous high scoring game was 2o. Something seems off about this team. Alas a win is a win and getting Polamalu back should help.
9. Cincinnati Bengals (4-2) - They let the Texans come into their house and tear up their D, who also lost top pass rusher Antwan Odom for the year. We will see if this team can keep its surprise run going. Up next: Chicago, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh.
10. Baltimore Ravens (3-3) - What happened guys? You were sitting at 3-0 and how its 3 losses in a row! Ah you played the Patriots, Bengals, and Vikings? Ok I will cut you guys some slack, but did you guys used to have a good secondary?
11. Chicago Bears (3-2) - Matt Forte never fumbles, right? The game they played was one of those crazy games but his two fumbles, in a row on the goal line but the dagger in the heart of Bears fans everywhere.
12. New York Jets (3-3) - If you were to tell me Thomas Jones and Leon Washington would combine to run for 309 yards against the Bills I would say automatic win! Not the case, Sanchez ended up throwing 5 Ints and they couldn't even attempt a game winning field goal because of a bad snap.
13. Philadelphia Eagles (3-2) - Really? You lost to the Raiders 13-9 and couldn't even score one touchdown. At least the Phillies are winning. But I don't think anyone could see them losing to the Raiders, a huge step back.
14. Arizona Cardinals (3-2) - Now tied for first in the NFC West. They laid a smack down in Seattle with an impressive 27-3 win , limiting Hasselback and co. to a total of 128 yards...yes TOTAL! Look out the are on a roll.
15. San Francisco 49ers (3-2) - They were on a bye week and are going to show off Michael Crabtree next week in a limited roll. They can use him and getting Frank Gore back should prove even more helpful. If they don't get back on their winning ways it could start to be a trend, one this writer doesn't wish to see.
16. Dallas Cowboys (3-2) - They also had a bye week and will come back and play Atlanta, I am still not sold on a team who needed a miracle catch to beat the Chiefs.
17. Green Bay Packers (3-2) - Yes, they did beat Detroit at big deal. The team still is stacked with talent and could easily make a surprise run at any time. That Aaron Rodgers guy is alright too.
18. Houston Texans (3-3) - Went into Cincinnati and put up a nice 28 points. There offense and Schaub keep proving that are for real, yet I still think they will be a .500 team.
19. Miami Dolphins (2-3) - Had a bye week. Next up they take on the #1 ranked Saints. Lets see if the offense can continue to put up the numbers they have been (38and 31 points in the last two games).
20. San Diego Chargers (2-3) - There are some quality teams ranked low on this list, I would say San Diego is a team who could easily move up when they start winning some games or dump their head coach.
21. Jacksonville Jaguars (3-3) - They had to go to the brink against St Louis at home just to beat them, sorry you are moving down! Jones-Drew continues to show he can man handle bad teams.
22. Carolina Panthers (2-3) - A couple of wins has shown that the Panthers are not totally dead. They had 322 total yards, Delhomme's passing total was 65 yards. They can do some serious running, but beating the win less Bucs 28-21 doesn't prove all that much now.
23. Buffalo Bills (2-4) - Owens still playing there? Anyone care? They did beat the Jets, in a game that no one wanted to win.
24. Washington Redskins (2-4) - Another team who no one can figure out, and not in a good way. I predict there head coach will be fired after next week. Benching Jason Campbell is not going to solve everything.
25. Seattle Seahawks (2-4) - Can you say inconsistent much? A week after they beat the Jags 41-0 at home they lose 27-3 at home, ugh. This team will be one of those teams who can never predict how they will do.
26. Oakland Raiders (2-4) - I am sorry but how the fuck did they do that?
27. Kansas City Chiefs (1-5) - They got their first win of the season AND they didn't even need to score a touchdown to do so, how does one score 14 without a td? Four Ryan Succop field goals and a safety, awesome.
28. Detroit Lions (1-5) - After some impressive play they were shutout in Green Bay of course that was without #1 Wr and QB. When Dennis Northcut is your new #1 WR you gots some problems.
29. Cleveland Browns (1-5) - They scored 14 against Pittsburgh, that's something. Yahoo had Lawrence Vickers as Clevelands star of the game...he had 1 catch for 1 yard and a TD.
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-6) - Is John Gruden happy he was let go just in time? This team should never have been this bad. They should just throw on those old unis if they are not going to win. Its nice to see Cadillac Williams running like he did in the past.
31. Tennesse Titans (0-6) - I never thought they would be this bad, this is just a disappointing state. They got creamed 59-0, not sure I need say much else.
32. St Louis Rams (0-6) - They did push the Jags to have to win with a field goal in overtime. They have now lost 16 games dating back to last season and some are saying if they don't beat the Lions they may go winless.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Short Version Rankings
1. New York Giants (3)
2. Indianapolis Colts (4)
3. New Orleans Saints (2)
4. Denver Broncos (8)
5. Minnesota Vikings (-)
6. New England Patriots (1)
7. Cincinnati Bengals (12)
8. Baltimore Ravens (6)
9. Philadelphia Eagles (11)
10. Atlanta Falcons (14)
11. Chicago Bears (10)
12. New York Jets (7)
13. Pittsburgh Steelers (-)
14. San Francisco 49ers (9)
15. Dallas Cowboys (17)
16. San Diego Chargers (15)
17. Miami Dolphins (21)
18. Arizona Cardinals (22)
19. Houston Texans (18)
20. Green Bay Packers (19)
21. Seattle Seahawks (24)
22. Jacksonville Jaguars (16)
23. Washington Redskins (20)
24. Carolina Panthers (26)
25. Detroit Lions (-)
26. Buffalo Bills (23)
27. Tennessee Titans (-)
28. Cleveland Browns (31)
29. Kansas City Chiefs (30)
30. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (29)
31. Oakland Raiders (28)
32. St Louis Rams (-)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Giants Season Comes to an End
So here are some of the things I will remember from the 88 win 2009 San Francisco Giants:
Randy Johnson getting his career 300th win in Washington on June 4th, and that diving throw he made to first base...sacrificing his 46 year old body in the process. I am pretty sure Johnson can still pitch and be somewhat effective (he was 8-6) before his injury which shut him down for almost the reminder of the year, but I think Giants could use someone else like Brad Penny or Madison Bumgardner to take over next season.

Johnathan Sanchez's no hitter on July 10th. I will admit I didn't watch all of this one, I was watching it but decided to make a hot tub run instead and missed the final of the game. I was happy and somewhat shocked that Sanchez got a no no in the first place, seeing as I thought it would be Lincecum or Cain. It was even better because the win came at home and was the first Giants no hitter since 1976. The win also showed other teams that Giants were in the hunt this year and going to the all-star break they were 10 games over .500.

Kung Fu Panda aka Pablo Sandoval. The guy was robbed of being an the all-star team and in his first season he threw up impressive numbers: a .330 batting average (2nd best in the NL), 25 HR and 90 RBI. Also Sandoval is a fan favorite and someone who plays the game with a great passion. I hope he is someone that sticks around for many years with the Giants. I also remember the way I wanted him to make the all-team really bad and all the VOTE PABLO signs up in the stands.

Lincecum and Cain. Now widely considered the top two pitchers in the game Cain and Lincecum showed that they could carry this team. Matt Cain finally showed that with some good luck he is a picther capable of winning he went 14-8 with a 2.89 era and 171K's. The all-star game starter and 08 Cy Young Tim Lincecum also put up amazing numbers this season. He was 15-7 with a 2.48 era and a league leading 261K's. These guys could team up and be the best 1-2 combo in baseball for years to come. The team lead the majors in Complete games, strikeouts and Shut outs and had the second best era in the majors!

Giants made some trades! I was pleased that the Giants didn't just stick with what they had, they owed it to the fans to try and make the postseason. While it didn't work it showed the fans that they were looking to win now. The trade for Ryan Garko seemed like it would give the Giants a better bat at first base. They also got all-star 2nd baseman Freddy Sanchez from the Pirates. Sanchez was good when he played but injures kept him from helping the team as much as he wanted too. Also the Giants made some good moves by getting in veteran pitcher in Brad Penny who was coming off a terrible stint in the AL. Penny went 4-1 with a 2.59 era in six starts for the Giants.
Surprise players. A big one comes to mind here: Juan Uribe. Giants got him for his defense, and the fact that he could play 3B, SS, and 2B but he proved to be a spark plug and helped a lot. He did fill in an many positions and batted .289 with 16hr and 55 RBI's. His walk off shot against the Dodgers on August 12th is something that I will remember.
Eugenio Velez was a late call up this year but still played in most of the games after the all-star break. Velez posted .267, 5 HR, 31 RBI and 11 SB in 84 games.
I would also list Kevin Frandsen on this list but for negative surprise. I thought he would show up and win a spot but his play was bad and he could never get it going. He is a local guy and it would be nice if he could prove his worth, I am just not sure it will happen.
There was a ton of other guys who played great this year who I will mention: Brian Wilson, Jeremy Affledt, Brandon Medders, Sergio Romo, Nate Schierholtz to name a few.
Look to the future: The NL west is proving to be a tough place to play. The Dodgers and Rockies both made the playoffs and finished with more than 90 wins each. The Giants will have to add some bats and also keeping improving on pitching and defense. Here are some of the moves I would like to see this off season:
Let go of the following players:
Rich Aurilia- It was a good run, the city loves this guy and he will always be welcomed at a Giants game. It is just time and he knows it. Thanks for the great years and nice the nice way you could pitch hit later in your career.
Randy Winn- I know he can still play with speed and can catch fire but its time to let him go. He only had 2 home runs and his average dipped to .262 and as the years pass his speed will decrease. I am sure he will catch on somewhere else.
Randy Johnson- Thanks for the 300th victory memory and playing hard but we have a younger guy who can take over now.
Merkin Valdez- He finally stayed healthy for a season but is not the same pitcher who we expected him to be. His era ballooned 5.66.
Need to get a big bat, there is talk of making a trade and getting a big name first baseman but they could try to get a Jason Bay or Matt Holliday type, but who knows if someone will want to play here in a pitcher friendly park. I am torn between resigning Molina. Posey is still a year away from being good and Molina can still manage some power (had 20 hr) but he costs many runs with his slow legs.
This was a great and memorable season and hopefully a stepping stone for more wins and a playoff appearance next year! GO GIANTS!!!